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AES Photo Gallery for the 2023-2024 School Year

There are many exciting events that take place at Allendale Elementary. The galleries below capture some of the activities at AES during the current school year. A special thanks to the Good News Ambassador for contributing photos.

Check out photo galleries from previous school years:

First Day of Kindergarten

boy student walking to school
family smiling in front of school
boy smiling in front of building
boy student wearing a backpack
boy student smiling along sidewalk
parents scooping breakfast onto a plate

Career Day

girl smiling near window
students in the library smiling
student smiling in library
student smiling
student smiling
two students smiling
student smiling
student smiling with toolbox
boys in cop costumes
line of students in costumes
line of students in costume
line of students in costumes
line of students in costumes
three boys in cop costumes

Gator Shop

three girls in the gator gift shop
inside of store
students shopping the store
balloon arch in front of store
boys lined up
two teachers

Book Fair & Fun Run

Principal Davis Slumber Party

principal in red pajamas in library
principal in red pajamas making a funny face with a monkey stuffed animal
principal in red pajamas on a chair in the hallway with monkey stuffed animal
principal sleeping on couch in red pajamas
principal with monkey peeking into classroom
principal posing with monkey stuffed animal posing on couch
SRO scolding principal